What is Black Sheep Bingo?
Black Sheep Bingo is our adaptation of Rhinebeck Blogger Bingo! It’s a good icebreaker as folks who may recognize each other from the internet meet in person. It’s a live action bingo game, where the squares are populated by people! Find the person and you can fill in their square on your card. All participants are eligible for prizes!

What does it mean to be a player?
Each player receives a Bingo card; as a player your objective is to check off as many squares as you come across.

What does it mean to be square?
If you’re a square, it means that your first name and ravelry user name will appear on players’ bingo cards. Players will seek you out to be checked off on their cards.

Do I have to be both a player and a square?
No. You can choose which role you’d like to fill. If you’re uncomfortable approaching other people, but don’t mind being approached by others, being a square rather than a player might be the role for you!

Can I be both a player and a square?
You sure can!

How will people know I am playing?
Before game play starts you can download a tag with the bingo logo that you can customize with your name and ravelry avatar and pin to your clothing to identify yourself at the gathering. Wearing your tag is how we know you’re playing! If you’d like you can purchase a pin-back button that announces your role in the game here.

Do I have to turn my card in? What happens if I get/don’t get bingo?
You do not have to turn your card in. We don’t actually keep track of people who get or don’t get an actual bingo.

If you don’t keep track of bingos, how do you win a prize?
The prizes are drawn at random. We’ll post later on when we figure out exactly where and when the prize drawing will take place. You don’t have to be present at the drawing to win; but it saves us on money sending prizes if you happen to be there for the drawing.

May I donate a prize?
Yes! Head over to the sign-up page and scroll down to the prize donation form. You do not have to be a business to donate a prize but if you are, we’ll link to your website via our prize page!

This all sounds great! How do I sign up?
Head over to the sign-up page and fill out the form!

I’d love a tshirt/button/tote bag with the bingo logo on it. Can I get one?
We have a zazzle store here where you can buy various items with the logo on it. We use any profits from this to help defray the costs of running the game (primarily prize shipping.) If there are other products you’d like to see, please let us know and we’ll do our best to find a way to make it happen!

Sign-ups will be open from now until June 10th; bingo cards will be e-mailed to players by end of day June 14th. Game play will occur June 22, 23 and 24 during Black Sheep Gathering.